Thursday, February 16, 2012

Water Weight

Water weight really confused me at first, maybe I'm just dumb and missed something in health class. But if not here is a little info for you.

I was really confused why you would be holding water weight if you are supposed to drink 64 oz a day.  So all these 'how to lose water weight' posts were really confusing to me. You do need to keep your body that hydrated however not to hold onto that water. That amount of water flushes through you (which is why I pee 100 times a day) and helps digestion and removes toxins. When you don't get enough water and you become dehydrated, you body holds on to all the water it possibly can, which stays on as weight instead of flushing through your system. Sodium also helps store water in your body. So keeping hydrated allows your body to lose extra water weight it doesn't need and keep your system clear. Here are a few tips I've found to help keep losing that water weight!

  1. Drink enough water! at least 64oz a day
  2. Add lemon to your water. It helps you drink more when there is a bit of flavor and lemon is a natural diuretic and remove salt from from the body.
  3. Eat foods with more potassium-bananas, avocados, raisins, peaches-they're low in sodium and help keep it from your body
  4. Less sugar- too much sugar can make it difficult for you body to excrete sodium
  5. Keep moving-Exercise to help keep your body systems working correctly
Along with these tips I'm going to attempt a flush from Jillian Michaels. Although most of the time I just find her terrifying and insane, this looks pretty good.

  • 60oz of filtered/distilled water
  • 1 tblspoon of sugar free cranberry juice
  • 2 tblespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 dandelion root teabag
Drink this concoction every day for 7 days and rid yourself of 5lbs of excess water weight, maybe even more depending on how much your body is holding. This along with less sodium, more potassium, and working out can really help lessen the water weight your body is holding.

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