Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 5

Thank god I did a hard workout yesterday morning because there was a birthday party. Woo baby. But I still am in the green and that is my goal, I was pretty good about limiting myself on the sweets last night, I just had a few too many fruity drinks but it was worth it. I did go over the calories I wanted to consume, but it's not like I have parties all the time and there's a reason I work out and eat healthier most of the time so I can still go out and have cake with friends and celebrate. I also finally found a way to fit my journal onto the screen so I can screen print. Much easier. 

So when I screen shot this, it tells you a ridiculous amount of information, sorry, but I figure most of you only glance at it any way and It's helpful for me to keep track.

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical in the morning, doesn't sound like much but I really pushed, best time on my mile yet. Then I did my regular ab circuit. I'm starting to be less sore! It's a nice feeling. Also played frisbee for a good hour, workin' on some skills. But really I'm terrible haha. I'd love to play more.

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